Friday, November 30, 2007

Day 2

  • Cherry and her sisters started porferming on stage

  • still gets straight As'

  • would stay up all night to work on a project

  • when she had to study Chinese history in class, she became so she pretended to throw up every morning. her housekeeper knew she was faking and said, "You ain't sick. Anybody can throw up-all you gotta do is stick your finger down your throat!"

  • cherry did that and it worked

  • she knew that physical appearance was everything for a performer

  • she started dieting when she heard a male friend of the family that thin is in

  • she ate very little and did exercises

  • discovered her mother's diet pills and took them a lot

  • when her mother discovered how much pills she has taken, she banned them, but she still had her way of getting them

  • became interested in boys and started dating a way older guy

  • he tried to touch her, but she stoped him and broke up with him

  • now she was scared of physical activities

  • first her maid-a very close friend of the family died

  • then her grandfather died

  • and finally her best friend

  • she felt guilty for all of the deaths even though she had nothing to do with them

  • she loves to take late night drives

  • but this time she was planning on going somewhere for a retreat so she could think

  • but she got scared along the way and ended up spending the weekend at their friends, the Osmond

  • she became close with their son, Warren but their spiritual believes were different

  • they started dating

  • she became for upsest with her weight and started to starve herself

  • on her birthday she couldn't control her stomach and ate too much, she thought of the trick her maid taught her and threw up

  • at 16, she weighted 140 pounds

  • she began intense exercising and lost weight

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Day 1

  • Cherry was born on July 7th, 1954 at 7:41am

  • her parents was hoping it would be a boy

  • her father was an English teacher, and was discovered, and became a pop singer

  • she is the oldest child in her family so she has to look after her 3 little sisters

  • she loved being in charge and getting attention from her parents by being a perfect daughter

  • at her piano recital, she had lost her place during the performance

  • feels very guilty for letting her sisters get hurt when she was watching them

  • was considered a hero when she woke her family up when there was an electrical shortening in their house (could have turned into a big fire) but she doesn't feel like a hero because the only reason she had woken up was because her night light wasn't working

  • when her father had asked her to sing a song on his show, she was scared so she chickened out

  • moved to Beverly Hills-had a big house, lots of maids, superstars house within walking distance

  • she met all of her star crushes

  • she attanded a private school. Her classmates were all famous or had famous parents

  • but the magic faded as time went on, there was no privacy

  • their house was added to the star house map-people crowded around their house everyday for autographs and pictures

  • her dad travelled a lot so she didn't see him much during her childhood

  • soon their family faced money problems

  • her parents would often fight at night and her mother would storm off

  • her parents were very strict

  • Cherry begains to experience adulthood

  • putting on make-up got her spanked several times

  • they started attanding church more and soon the money problem was over and they started performing again

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Who I think she is?

What i know about Cherry Boone O'Neill:
  • She is the oldest daughter of Pat Boone
  • When her friend died, she became anorexia
  • She has written 2 books on anorexia
  • She is now married with 4 daughters and 1 son